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Protocols For Everyone

The benefit of coming to get tested is that you get a protocol that's bio-individual. That means it was crafted for specifically for you and is precise. But sometimes there are other things clients want help with that they don't feel they need to be tested for - a place to just start. This is often for them, but sometimes it's for their kids, spouses, or friends. 

I've put together several protocols that can help anyone. Just contact me to pick one up. Vitality members get 15% off.

The Tired Mom Protocol


Fights fatigue to give your adrenals the energy they need to not crash at 2pm. Also supports hormones and blood sugar.

Dose: 2 each morning


Focus +

Citrus drink to give you a kick of energy and increase mental focus. Also supports your immune system so you don’t get sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Dose: 1 per day


Wheat Germ Oil

Fatty acid for energy. Supports the body in exercise (marathon runners have been known to take this while running). As a bonus, it helps with fertility.

Dose: 2 per day


The Female Hormones/Fertility Protocol
Symplex F
F stands for female. This is like a multi for your hormone system. Contains thyroid, adrenal, pituitary, and ovary, along with many other nutrients. One of your foundational supplements for hormones and fertility.
Dose: 2 per day

F stands for female again, but this time, it's homeopathy. Endopath-F is a gentle message to your body letting is know what your hormone system is supposed to look like.
Dose: 40 drops per day

Balanced B8
People just feel good one this one. Balances blood sugar because you need to balance blood sugar before you balance hormones. 
Dose: 1 tsp per day

Blackcurrant Seed Oil
Fatty acid that is anti inflammatory, anti aging, and good for hormones. Fatty acids are crucial for proper cellular communication because hormones are messengers, and if they can't communicate with each cell properly, miscommunication (problems) happen.
Dose: 2 per day



The Acne Protocol


A proprietary aloe vera inner leaf gel extract containing the highest level of immune modulating molecule on earth - acemannan. Acemannan helps increase stem cell production by activating your macrophages (they're like the Pacman in your body that go around eating up dead and dying cells). Everyone should take Immun, including your children and pets. 

Dose: as many as you can afford, but at least 1 per day


Balanced B8

Regulate your blood sugar to regulate your hormones. Regulate your hormones to improve skin health - for both aging and acne. 

Dose: 1 tsp per day



Contains a unique profile of peptides from epithelial tissue. Basically, it’s a blueprint for what your skin should look like.

Dose: 1 per day



Drainage-Tone helps drain toxins from the body. If you can’t drain toxins the normal way (pee, poop, sweat), then they can come out your skin. Use Drainage-Tone to open drainage pathways.

Dose: 30 drops per day


Bonus - Colon Clear

Like I just said, one of the normal ways to eliminate toxins is poop. If you can’t poop, toxins stay inside you and can come out your skin. Ew. Use Colon Clear to get your bowels moving so toxins leave your body the right way.

Dose: 1-3 per day



The "In a Mood" Protocol

Infinite Love

The world needs more love, and Infinite Love is a commonly tested flower essence that magnifies love for yourself and others, gentleness, kindness, attractiveness, and charisma. 

Dose: 2-3 sprays 2x per day


Li-Zyme Forte

Lithium is the mineral for the brain and mental health. It's like a super hero - it swoops in to save when you're mentally drained and need a boost in your mood.

Dose: 1 per day


Calm Five

Homeopathy for stress, especially traumas that have happened. Everyone wants Calm Five by the gallon. Never run out.

Dose: 30 drops per day


Tuna Omega 3 Oil

Omega 3 fatty acid that's like brain food. The brain is made of fat, so you need to consume good fats for healthy brain cognition and mood regulation.

Dose: 2 per day



The Strong Willed Child Protocol

Calm Five

Homeopathy for stress, especially traumas that have happened. Help calm children down.

Dose: 30 drops per day


Fields of Flowers

Homeopathy for stress, especially day to day. Help children deal with day to day activities. 

Dose: 30 drops per day


Joy Juice

It's all in the name. Magnifies joy, laughter, and contentment.

Dose: 2-3 sprays 2x per day



The Stinky Sweat Protocol

Dandelion Whole Plant

Supports the liver so it can detox properly. If your sweat stinks, there's a chance your liver is backed up. 

Dose: 1 tsp per day



Your hypothalamus is a master regulator. It's like an orchestra conductor that makes your body work in harmony. Hypothalmpath is a blueprint for a healthy hypothalamus.

Dose: 40 drops per day


BioToxin Binder

BioToxin Binder promotes the body’s natural ability to detoxify. It binds to toxins and helps pull them out of the body so they don't have to come out your sweat.

Dose: 2 per day


The Acid Reflux Protocol


Acidifies the stomach so you're able to digest your food without it coming back up.

Dose: 2 per meal


Apple Cider Vinegar

Helps acidify the stomach. Watch out, though - it tastes horrible!

Dose: 1/2 tsp per meal


The Pain Relief Protocol

Turmeric Forte

Contains turmeric and fenugreek to support a healthy inflammatory response. Helps maintain and support healthy joints.

Dose: 2 per day



Homeopathy for pain relief. Take continuously through the day. Helps with everything from injuries to headaches.

Dose: 40 drops per day


The Overall Health Protocol

Catalyn GF

Most complete and highest quality multi on the planet. Use this to fill in gaps in your diet. (Also available in chewable kids form)

Dose: 2 per day


Tuna Omega 3 Oil

Omega 3 fatty acid that’s anti-inflammatory. Every cell in your body has a lipid bilayer (2 layers of fat) around it, so consuming high quality fats is important.

Dose: 2 per day


Symplex F/Symplex M

F stands for female / M stands for male. It’s like a multi for your hormone system. Contains pituitary, adrenal, thyroid, and ovary/testicle.

Dose: 2 per day


Calm Five

homeopathy for stress, anxiety, depression, and every day life. Calming your emotions is crucial for physical health.

Dose: 20 drops per day


The Travel Protocol


Puts the right spin back on your cells after flying.

Dose: 20 drops before and after flying



Support digestion to mitigate all the sketchy things you’re going to eat on vacation, like sushi and other cuisine.

Dose: 1 per meal



Because you should never be without Flu-Tone. If anyone starts to feel sick, you’ll be glad you have this on hand to nip it in the bud.

Dose: 30 drops per day


Calm Five

If traveling or flying makes you nervous, take this. Or if you’re going to be in a 2 bedroom condo with the in-laws and need some extra support, this can come in handy.

Dose: 20 drops per day


Bonus - Colon Clear 

People get constipated when they travel. Take Colon Clear to keep pooping.

Dose: 1 per day

Want one of these protocols?

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